Saturday, May 30, 2009
Stubborn as a Mule

Friday, May 29, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wacky Mascots

mascot? Sometimes they organize a drawing or a contest, sometimes they choose the name based on some local industry, sometimes it is chosen based on what a particular region is known for. There are names that just seem so fitting and dignified, like the Boston Celtics, the Miami Hurricanes, or the Durham Bulls. Others, it seems, clearly were not well thought out. The following are team names from actual teams, that as Dave Barry would say, I am not making up.
- Minnesota Golden Gophers
- Baltimore Skipjacks
- Chinook Sugar Beeters
- Moorehead Spuds
- New Berlin Pretzels
- Hooperton Area Cornjerkers
- Tonopah Fighting Muckers
- Blooming Prairie Awesome Blossoms
- Teutopolis Wooden Shoes
- Hickman Kewpies
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tear Down, Build Up

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Pants Down Monkey Boy

I was an undergraduate in college at the time. One day I was hustling from one class to the next. I had ten minutes to get across campus and once I got where I had to be, I still had to go to the bathroom. I had to use the facilities quite urgently. As I rushed into the lecture hall building, I made my way to the men's room (which seemed to be completely empty), slung my backpack in the corner, and sprinted to the row of urinals. Just as I was unzipping, I noticed a cleaning lady coming out of one of the stalls. It never occurred to me to stop or alter my attitude or what I was doing in any way. In fact, I flushed, washed my hands, and gave her a quick "how ya doin'" as I grabbed my backpack and hustled off to class. Hold on here! Hit the rewind button. In case you missed what I just said, there was a cleaning LADY in the bathroom with me. The awkwardness of the situation for the poor lady never occurred to me at the time. I was simian and clueless. This episode has folks everywhere cringing for all the rules and sensibilities that I broke. I admit it, I deserve to go on an all-banana diet and straight to the monkey hall of fame.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Awkward, Awkward

I recently was at a conference with someone that I am attracted to, but she does not feel the same way about me. It seemed that no matter where I was in the massive conference venue, that I kept stumbling across this person. Due to circumstances, we even had dinner together one evening. On the one hand I find it best to totally avoid this other person as it keeps my mind at peace and focussed on what it should be focussed on. On the other hand, the appearance of this person at the conference was totally unexpected to me. My mind kept grinding on and on. Was this a sign? An opportunity? Should I pursue this person further? Should my attitude be totally business like? Am I coming across as smart? Funny? Unaffected? Affected? I know that no matter what I tried to do, I just could not be myself. What tricks do you have that work in these situations?
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009
Grasping Balloons

A sky full of balloons waiting to be caught
Multi-colored delicate rubber
Varying in shape and size
Long billowing streamers
Trail behind them on the ground
Waiting for a hand to grab hold of
We run and chase after them
They bob and weave teasingly just out of reach
Like intangible thoughts
Like emotions laid bare
Eyes heaven-ward, we grasp and reach up
Stretching to our tippy toes
But the streamers trail through fingertips…
As we fail to hold onto them
We lose balance as they fly high, rise high
All we can do is weep and stare up
At loves long lost or missed opportunities
And thoughts disappeared behind a puff of cloud…
We’re left stranded, standing alone in our field of dreams
Eyes heaven-ward, defeated arms hang sadly by our sides
As we realize what we had hoped to hold dear
Are forever gone… All Gone…
Thursday, May 21, 2009
One Trick Pony

He either fails or he succeeds
He gives his testimony
Then he relaxes in the weeds
He's got one trick to last a lifetime
Maybe not the greatest lyrics produced by Paul Simon, but I can fully relate to his sentiment. I am a one trick pony when it comes to relationships. I kind of think that I was the inspiration for the phrase "To the man with a hammer, everything problem looks like a nail." Over the years I have failed in so many relationships because I fail to learn from past mistakes. I can't seem to approach people with any new steps to my dance. Even if I am accepted by them initially, my one trick grows stale over time. I am constantly amazed by the relationships of some folks I know. They seem to find new ways to surprise and honor and love those close to them. Each day seems a new opportunity, a new adventure, a continued movement away from the routine and the usual. The great thing for me is to now have people like this in my life to talk to and learn from. I may be old, but not too old to learn, given the chance.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Familiar

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Poop Polka Dots

Monday, May 18, 2009

I have been sitting in my pondering spot thinking about examples of things that were once I-N, in, but are now definitely O-U-T, out. My list includes the following items:
- Singing to my daughter. Maddie used to love for me to sing to her to help her sleep or to comfort her or for her to have someone to harmonize with. Now I get "the look" from her if I commence to crooning. This might even be accompanied by an elbow in the ribs if I even think about singing in public.
- Gorging on junk food. I used to love sitting in front of the T.V. for the big game or my favorite show and polishing off a big of my favorite snack food. Now the fats and greases immediately add to my girth and my tummy feels sickish if I have more than a couple of handfuls of yummies.
- Working 100 hour weeks. For years on end I gave my life for my work and career. Although my schedule was full, my life was empty. No more.
- No sleep. I used to get up at the crack of dawn and still be churning along all the way through the end of Letterman. Not the new Dave, but the old "Late Night" version.
- Hanging out at the bar. During graduate school my friends and I loved going out for a few beers and requisite dart playing. Lots of rowdy times. My head, my stomach, and my innards can no longer handle any of this sort of activity and it holds no power over me.
- Hair. I used to have thick luxurious hair. It grew so quickly that I had to go to the barber once a month. Now that pesky problem has been done away with.
- Health. I used to be in good health and could count on my body to come through when I needed it. Now it seems like I have one wacky, random condition after another. If I had known I was going to live this long, ...
- I am fine by myself. I used to live with the attitude that I didn't need help from anyone. I wanted to be alone as everyone just seemed to be working against me. Now I am so sick of alone that I want to scream.
I the Lord do not change. Malachi 3:6.
We know what our path is supposed to be and we know that path won't ever change. Our God was the same yesterday, is the same today, and will be the same tomorrow. Now that is welcome news.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Inner Peace

And God's peace which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Phillipians 4:7 (Amplified Bible).
God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength but with your testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13
In my darkest times, where I no longer wish to continue, I wonder where this peace is. I wonder why this peace just doesn't wash over me as I need. I wonder why I have been seemingly left alone. In these times, I wonder what God defines as my "strength" limit. Is just getting through the storm what He has in mind? Is getting through the storm but still looking to him with full conviction the goal? Part of my problem is that I too often don't have the patience to wait for his timing and I want my problems taken away on my time table. I put my wants and desires ahead of his plan. Realization of this fact only serves to make me feel worse. Kind of a negative feedback loop. Part of God's plan, I suspect, is to break me, like a wild stallion is broken, until my thoughts of control are removed and I learn to follow his direction without question.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Sign O' the Times

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Nerds in Action

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Non-standard Meats

- Cow meat;
- Chicken meat;
- Pork meat.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Trends in Eyewear

Monday, May 11, 2009
Grind My Gears II

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Spotting Celebrities

The subject matter for this blog came to me as I was listening to a couple of ladies that I know gabble on and on about how they made a rather long trip for the primary purpose of stalking some actor from a show that I had never heard of. Their plan was to drive to his house and wait outside until he showed up. I am not sure what they were going to do once this happened, but it probably amounted to criminal assault. These were two otherwise apparently normal people, driven to complete craziness over even the thought of seeing someone from television. I have heard lots of people who wag their fingers at the paparazzi for following celebrities and staking them out every minute of every day. But the truth is that folks eat this prattle up and swallow every bit and come back for more. However, we need to understand that celebrities are people just like us, trying to live their lives as best they can. Give them space and peace and respect, unless their initials are Paris Hilton, in which case you have my permission to have at them with a garrote.
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Moment Please

I know folks who always seem to be celebrating some important moment in their lives. They deliberately set aside time to acknowledge graduations, promotions, major accomplishments, etc. However, in my life I have purposefully never made time to celebrate anything. Somehow I was always too busy, always moving toward the next challenge or goal. I had just completed my last final exam as an undergraduate, and within an hour, I was off to graduate school. By the next day I was already working on an experiment as a graduate student. When I passed my Ph.D. defense, I spent the next week preparing a publication based on this work. When I got my big university job offer, the news stirred no special activity. My tenure appointment received no notice at home, just more of the same. Sure there were always reasons not to make time, to make excuses, to let another moment in life slip by without celebration, without hoopla. In the moment, it did not seem like I was missing out on anything. However, as I get older, I look back with more than a little regret. Why did I not take the time to celebrate life and the big moments on the journey? As I was preparing to write this blog, I stumbled upon an obvious explanation that now makes a great deal of sense to me. I was afflicted with pride. I did not want anyone to think the big milestone moments in my life were viewed as any sort of big deal. Totally expected, totally in line with expectations. My big job offer was expected given how smart and bright and special I claimed to be. My promotion was a slam dunk. If I acted too excited, people might think that I was worried in some way about the outcome. This is pride pure and simple. I was trying to act calm and cool and unaffected, and I let all of the big moments slip by. Along the way I have missed out on celebration, on making memories, on living life. So, don't fall into this trap. Take a moment. Live, love, and celebrate with the special people in your life. Don't let regret have any opportunity to take root on this very brief journey.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The low and haunting dirge sounds affect me. The numbers pile up. Soon the many will tragically become the few or the none. I cry out in the night and my screams continue to fall on deaf ears. I, however, must stifle an inner chuckle. This poor, pathetic, ingenious chap has managed to do himself in by peeing on the third (live) rail in the metro (i.e. the tube). He has been crispy fried. Clever chap. Despite my mirth, I must reiterate that these losses are needless and preventable, completely avoidable. You only need to send me large sums of money, this is the only way that I can think of for you to expunge your guilt and remove your deep, deep shame. And all the people said "Hallelujah, where's my checkbook?"
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Watching Maddie
My daughter and I have been monitoring the water temperature in our pool. We have been looking forward to the day when it would get warm enough to go swimming. We have talked about the fun that we will have, the games that we would play. We went over the problems that we had experienced the last couple of years at the pool at our apartment complex. Overcrowded. Rude and loud people. Dirty conditions. We knew that in this area, the pools opened up on Memorial Day. However, when the water temperature read over 80 degrees and the air temperature over 90, why should we care that May 31 was still over a month away? Originally we were just planning on dipping our toes in the water, a quick check of progress, and then going about our day. However, when I suggested that Maddie go put her bathing suit on, she looked at me with bulging, gleeful eyes. "Really Daddy? Can we?". She then began dancing and singing with delight as I gave her the O.K.. It was a magical and unexpected afternoon of splashing and playing and togetherness and joy and peace. If I ever question why, it is moments like these that I receive my answer. Watching Maddie live and love fills my heart and lets me know the reason for it all.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My Greek Marketplace

Most recently I felt these pangs going through the airport. It was just the other day. I was waiting in line, going through the security checkpoint. I unpacked my laptop, took my jacket off, removed my keys and wallet, and stepped out of my shoes. There were a half dozen folks with TSA labels on their jackets pawing at me like a piece of meat. They eyed me with suspicion and distance. The smiles given were lifeless and cold. These people were obviously just doing their jobs, but I felt so small, so alone. I just wanted to run, to get away. Looking around, all of the other travelers were going through the standard routine. Some were very business minded, others were joking with each other, still others made small talk with the people next to them in line. I got through the short wait and quickly moved to a corner where I could collect myself, where I could be alone and gain back my composure. I find it funny that folks who know me don't know this condition of mine. When I tell them of my phobia, they look at me with disbelief. They think that I am joking given how loud and boisterous I can be at times. It's funny the traits and characteristics that define who we are. Some behaviors that we exhibit are easily understood and traceable to our younger days, to how we were raised or some particular moment or occurrence. Still others arise within us and their origin is never understood. A part of me wishes I could come to understand where my fear of people arose. It seems that if I could understand its origin that I might have a better chance to control it, to rationalize it, to do something about it. However, another part of me is afraid that if I turn over too many thoughts or explore too many corners of my mind, that I might uncover something far more painful.
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Hypocrite

Saturday, May 2, 2009

For most of my life I have struggled with empathy, or more specifically, the strong absence of empathy. Upon just a moment of reflection, the reason is pretty obvious. I have tended to be so focussed on myself, my own world, and my own problems that I just didn't care all that much about the issues or problems or joys or successes or the lives of others. As hard as this is to admit, I would have to say in all honesty that my lack of empathy also carried over to those that I viewed as closest to me. As I have gotten older, my views and perspective have slowly begun to turn more and more outward. The turning point is when my daughter was born. I found out very quickly that I would give anything to keep her protected and away from pain. When she is hurting, I tend to be hurting more. But I strive to make my attitude project outward beyond my own family. My daily prayers include the request to help keep me ever mindful of the needs of others. Some days I am more receptive and sensitive to these needs than others. I seem to proceed in fits and starts. I am not nearly as consistent as I would like to be.
Recently a friend of mine who I care about deeply has been struggling as his father went through heart surgery and a stroke during his recovery time. He has been forced to witness the deterioration of his hero and his friend. I understand his struggle and I feel a sense of his pain. However, I don't have any words to help him or to truly encourage him. My attempts to reach out seem so feeble. I pray for him regularly, but I wish I could do more. I feel like an idiot for saying this, but the fact that I am pained so much for him is a sign of growth in my life, but I would trade my growth in a second if this would help heal him. I guess this is what empathy is all about.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Ravages of Age

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