The best entertainment, however, comes from the people who attempt to hide the dread on their faces as they realize they're in for several hours of chitchat with people they don't particularly like.
But folks attend these parties as they will take any excuse to get out of doing real work. But my editorial comment here is not the reason for today's post. What I wanted to discuss comes from this same CNN article. They talk about people watching at work, most easily seen during these more informal gatherings. The article is entitled "Four Obnoxious Attitudes in the Office".
- The suck-up: The boss's lapdog. These folks rely on their buddy-buddy relationship with the boss to attempt to get a leg up on their co-workers and to help their chances for raises and promotions.
- The naysayer: The person whose sole intent is to shoot down every suggestion or course of action raised by anyone.
- The drama queen: The person who is overly emotional about every single little thing that occurs. They have no control of their emotions and tend to make every occurrence into the biggest-ever tragedy known to mankind.
- The star of the show: The person who feels that they are God's gift to mankind. They believe that they should be the focal point of every meeting and every project.