I think the notion of God, His Son, and His Spirit being three distinct entities but only one being, if you try to wrap your mind around it, might actually cause your eyes to bleed. It is a very tricky and convoluted and not really comprehensible notion. Jesus told his followers that after He left the Earth, God would provide His Spirit to dwell within people who called on Him. This Spirit was meant to be the earthly presence of God after Jesus ascended into heaven. Jesus didn't go into great detail or provide any sort of manual or how-to guide. If anyone tells you that they understand all of this completely, then I would urge you to beware. There are lots of areas where we can only make assumptions.
Seeking wisdom, clarification, and truth in this area, I was lead to read the book Embraced by the Spirit by Charles Swindoll. This work was not meant to be a detailed investigation and unpacking of scripture. It was meant to be a dialog in a very conversational style. It was an attempt to help build greater intimacy in our relationship with God by giving us a few practical suggestions for seeking out or better tuning into that "still, small voice" within us so that it is more than a "still small voice". A peaceful and enjoyable book for your devotional time.