I just finished reading a book by Charles Swindoll called The Grace Awakening. I chose this book, not so much because I have been pondering on the subject of grace or worried about issues involved with receiving grace, or even so much about saying grace, I just happen to view spending time with Chuck (that's what I call him) like curling up with a nice warm mug of hot chocolate. It's soothing, inviting, and relaxing. I simply enjoy his perspective and his style. His advice is very often practical, too often needed, and typically resonates within me.
The book starts off with a description of grace from Donald Barnhouse that I really liked. "Love that goes upward is worship, love that goes outward is affection, love that stoops is grace." Thus to show grace is to extend favor or kindness to one who doesn't deserve it and can never earn it. This is the gift offered to us by God.
The cool thing is that by accepting this free gift, we also get some additional free perks, practical expectations that we can anticipate as we get a firm grasp on grace.
- You can expect to gain a greater appreciation for God's gifts to you and others.
- You can expect to spend less time and energy critical of and concerned about others' choice.
- You can expect to become more tolerant and less judgmental.
- You can expect to take a giant step toward maturity.