A story that was buried on the bottom of the ESPN web page the other morning caught my eye. It was definitely not your typical, or for that matter, expected news story. A 23-year-old outfielder in the Oakland Athletics minor league system had decided to retire from baseball and enter the priesthood. What makes the young man's decision even more powerful is that he was considered one of the top prospects in the A's system and had just been named most valuable player in the 2009 Arizona fall league. In a couple of years, this athlete was on a course to move up to the major leagues and claim his million dollar annual salary. Life would have had all the luxuries and trappings that any young man could dream up. Instead, Grant Desme made a decision to honor his heavenly father and to follow, perhaps, a less glamorous road in the eyes of some folks. In the eyes of others, or at least of One, it was his destiny, his true calling.