Get the ... bleep ... out of this ... bleeping... place you say? Well, I have said enough absolutely inane, ill-considered, stupid, and hurtful things to others in my lifetime to sink a moderately sized ocean-going vessel. If only I came outfitted with my own personal FCC agent with a nervous finger lingering over the button, this world would likely be a better place. From inner city dump to a sparkling land of rainbows and pleasant unicorns. Imagine that just when you utter some nasty, negative garbage, your handy-dandy personal content monitor (aka censor) would make sure that nobody heard your foolish utterances. Oh, how I would definitely pay for such a service.
However, that is not reality. Most of us seem to be lacking a content filter. Too often we say things that offend and hurt others. But with each occurence we have a chance to make at least two changes for the positive:
- Learn from our mistake and work to improve.
- Make amends to those we have affected.