For the past decade, Mensandor has known a most wonderful peace. However, that peace has served to make its people soft, to the point that they ignore the rumbles of the approaching enemy for far too long, much to their peril and undoing. Soon enough the cruel destruction of the invading army of staggering proportions cannot be ignored as it rolls along unchecked, mercilessly destroying everyone and everything in its path. Their ultimate goal is to subdue the land and claim Eskevar's castle stronghold as their prize. Without the full support of his liege lords, Eskevar's only recourse is to send his modest retinue of knights to stand against the vast approaching horde and slow their advance. The kingdom's only hope is that Quentin might fulfill his destiny that is wrapped in a mysterious prophesy regarding a sword of light and truth. However, every moment of time that is won comes at the cost of the lives of the king's brave and honorable knights. They fight on with every last vestige of strength, even with the full knowledge that their chances of defeating the invading Nin legions are only the merest of slivers. A most entertaining story, that left me sad for those characters lost, but uplifted by the victory achieved. Now, onto the last part of the trilogy, The Sword and the Flame.