Wednesday, August 17, 2011


White represents the third book in the "Circle" series by author Ted Dekker. Having read the first book Black and the second book Red, there was no way I could stop, to pull away from these characters. I have been on a white-knuckle ride for far too long. The existence of humanity is at stake. In the present age, the evil antagonist Armand Fortier and his lieutenant Valborg Swensson have unleashed a virus on the planet Earth that started a death timer. Each person has about a week before their bodies will shutdown system by system. In the future age to come, the evil Horde and their leader Qurong, are systematically killing off the remnant of the forest people. Their leader, Thomas Hunter is a hunted man.

White picks up about a year after Red leaves off. The mighty forest guard is gone as are their armed and violent ways of self-defense and self-preservation. Each of the surviving remnant is now part of the Circle, a symbolic enclosure bounded by the love of their lord and savior Elyon. The Circle's existence is about the Great Romance, bringing people to Elyon so that they might know his love. This backdrop of pure love is also reflected in the precarious romance of Thomas and Qurong's daughter Chelise. Thomas is fighting for his life and that of his people in a dangerous back and forth with Chelise's suitor Woref, a mighty Horde general. At the same moment in the present age, Thomas and his sister Kara, along with geneticist Monique de Raison, are engaged in a fight for humanity that seemingly cannot be won. The odds are too great, but it is all about the power of sacrificial blood. Thomas can save the world. The future affects the past. The past rewrites the future. The great circle of life.

Now onto the first or the last novel in the Circle series (depending on how you wish to view it) called Green.