I was reading on
cnn.com that the lady who played Wilbur's wife (Connie Hines) on Mr. Ed died. (For you young punks out there, Mr. Ed was a talking horse.) I remember at one point in my life, I went through a Mr. Ed phase, where I watched afternoon reruns for a while. That led me to ask what shows were most popular on T.V. the year that I was born (1966, oh, and if your counting, that makes me only 29). Now, with the Al-Gore-invented high-speed superhighway, the answer to my question was only a few key strokes away! Nee-ha, now on with the list:
- Bonanza - Channel surfed over this one, but have never seen a full episode of it.
- The Red Skelton Show - I have never seen this show but have heard of it.
- The Andy Griffith Show - Certainly have seen most episodes on afternoon reruns and Nick at Nite.
- The Lucy Show - Saw many episodes on late night T.V..
- The Jackie Gleason Show - Have only seen clips of this show on late night infomercials.
- Green Acres - Pretty sure I have seen all of these episodes. This was an after school regular when I was in high school.
- Daktari - I have never even heard of this one.
- Bewitched - I know this one up and down, from one Darren to the other. I think that I used to have a crush on Elizabeth Montgomery.
- The Beverly Hillbillies - Like Green Acres, an after school regular. I have seen them all, black and white and in-color.
- Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C. - This guy was the Urkel of his day. I have seen a number of episodes due to T.V. addiction, but can't stand this awkward character or the actor who portrayed him.