While I view yearly resolutions as a private matter, I thought it would be helpful to those struggling with the realization that they did not get very far on their lists for 2009 to see how a fellow traveller did. You will certainly notice that I did not meet all of my goals, but I can assure you that it was not for lack of effort. So, here is my list with a brief commentary for each item.
- To ask a woman out on a date - I asked a friend of mine out (see Rejection) back in February. Goal met.
- To go out on two or three dates before the year is over - I failed on this one as the one person I asked out said no. Presently I am not close enough to any other women to pursue them.
- To buy a new house for me and my daughter - Back in February, this one was checked off. (See my House Series - I, II, III, IV, V, VI).
- To exercise the whole year - I did quite well on this one. (See my progress on Mr. Puddin' Belly II from just a few days ago.)
- To make several new friends - I lost several good friends this year who moved away; this took a lot out of me. As I have talked about in this blog on several occasions (see most recently Give and Receive), I really struggle to make new friends. However, this year, I would say that I have only a few new acquaintances. Hopefully these relationships will evolve into something deeper.
- To grow closer to God - I continue to seek out God each day through prayer and other spiritual disciplines. However, I am not sure if I am any closer to God today than I was a year ago. Probably because I am too focussed on me and my problems to truly look outside of myself. I will continue to work on this.