When you join one of the social networking sites, you are initially asked to fill out a profile. This amounts to some basic facts about you, your favorite books, your hometown, where you live, etc. You also fill in your relationship status. The system then broadcasts this out into every corner of cyberspace and other parts unknown. This got me to thinking, wouldn't our lives be so much better if we had something that we could check to truly know the status of our relationships. For some couples, the status would be very much like the Doomsday Clock. It would indicate that they were in severe trouble and their world was very close to coming to a nasty and explosive end. For others, the status update would just serve to remind them of the effort a relationship takes to be successful. It could serve to give them a gentle nudge, "Hey idiot, when was the last time you showed your wife how much she meant to you" or "Perhaps you could at least make the slightest effort in looking good for your partner, perhaps even retire that danged stained muumuu and put on something a bit more stylish." Of course, this last reminder would be for the women. However, if it was applicable for a man, it could flash on your screen followed by a couple of exclamation points. What do you think? Am I on to something here?