Another day has come and gone, marked by the setting sun in the western sky. Hues in pink and blue and orange bid the world adieu. Perhaps you are unwinding from a long day at work, looking forward to vegging out on the couch in front of the tube. Some may have had a satisfying day off, puttering about on errands or doing a bit of house cleaning or yardwork. Others have been dealing with hardships or personal issues and have been weathering the storm. Yet no matter what you have done with your time during the day, can you look yourself in the mirror and know for sure that you have accomplished anything of value? I am not talking about moving a stack of papers from one pile to another at the office, or dropping off some letters at the post office, or raking up the fallen leaves from your yard. I mean, have you made a difference in the life of someone else? Ahhh, this is where the true value of our effort lies.
This, for me, tends to be a most challenging and convicting question at times. Most days I seem too easily to make it all about me. Did I check off each of the items on my to-do list? Did I get all of the necessary household chores completed? Me me me. I I I. What about really making a difference in the life of someone else? What about giving someone your time and attention to brighten their day? What about encouraging someone you know who needs it? What about letting someone out in front of you in traffic? You can make a difference in the lives of those around you without even breaking a sweat. Yet I have found that sometimes the little things can make a big difference. I challenge you to make the first item on your daily to-do list to impact someone's life in a positive way. Don't let the sun go down without taking care of this one.