- Valleys series, Acute, Obtuse (Sep. 21,22) - A series I wrote about living with and through life's struggles.
- Subtle series, 1, 2 (Sep. 16,17) - A series that I wrote as I struggled with a God who seems to be satisfied with being far too subtle for me.
- Chess (Aug. 16) - A bit of inspiration that I had about finding love unexpectedly.
- Along the Watchtower (Jun. 16) - About betrayal of trust and a broken heart.
- Fortress (Jun. 1) - Written to someone that I badly hurt, someone who I cared for very much.
- No Time (May 17) - About lamenting the passage of time and my daughter growing up.
- Strange Currencies (Mar. 11) - Written about the strange things that people cling to, even when they know better.
- airportman (Feb. 16) - Written to the wise man who needs some of his own wisdom.
- Big Church series, I, II, III, IV (Feb. 7-10) - Written about my struggles and frustrations with my fast-growing church.
- Perspective (Jan. 14) - Almost a bit of prose, but a piece about the beauty of perspective on the good things in life.
(Part 2 of 2)