Did you know?:
- the age of the universe = 14 billion years
- the size of the universe = 3 x 1023 miles
- the number of galaxies in the universe =
200 to 500 billion
- the number of stars in each galaxy =
200 to 500 billion
- average size of a star = 1-2 million miles
- the human life span / the age of the universe =
5 x 10-9
- the human scale / the scale of the universe =
4 x 10-27
Sometimes this information makes me feel completely insignificant, simply dust in the wind. But just when I feel small enough to wink out ...
- my daughter gives me an unexpected hug
- I get home exhausted from work and find a forgotten container of delicious left-overs in the fridge
- my knees don't ache after a long day at work
- I stumble across a T.V. program that makes me laugh deeply
- a friend invites me out for coffee
- I catch all of the stoplights on the way home
... and then ... and then I can feel just big enough.