Monday, January 19, 2015

MLKJ Day 2015

Today is a national holiday in the United States. For most folks they will take the opportunity to sleep a bit later than normal and just enjoy an extended weekend. Some will linger about the television or do some errands or some items on their to-do lists. It wouldn't surprise me that most folks won't take even a moment of their day to reflect on why this is a holiday and who the MLKJ is behind this MLKJ day.

M - Martin Luther King, Jr. - Born as Michael King on January 15, 1929. Died on April 4, 1968.

L - Legitimized through his award of the Nobel Peace Prize on October 14, 1964 for combating racial inequality through nonviolence. His cause was not just for black against white, but for all colors black, yellow, red, or white.

K - Killed by an assassin's bullet to the head. To this day it is not clear who was involved in the plans for his murder, but most believe that it was not a single gunman. Those in power most certainly did not want their way of life changed by those they deemed beneath them.

J - Justice was a keyword in King's legacy, as in justice for all people. This legacy has lived on in the nearly 50 years since MLKJ's untimely end.