Friday, May 18, 2012

Insights on Luke

Those who are regular visitors to my blog know how much respect I have for the work of pastor Charles Swindoll. I have read dozens of his books and spent many hours over the years gaining perspective and wisdom on the lessons and the characters in the Bible from his teachings. Currently, he is publishing an epic series called New Testament Insights. Each of the six books in this series that has been released to date has focused on a detailed exegesis of one or more books of the New Testament. His most recent work in this series is entitled Insights on Luke. Ultimately, when this series comes to a conclusion in another 3 or 4 years, Swindoll will have worked his way through the full breadth and depth of the New Testament.

With Insights on Luke, Swindoll takes his second foray into the gospels. The volume associated with the book of John was published in summer 2010, and the volumes for Matthew and Mark will be released in the future. I have found that each of the gospels provides for very interesting reading given the different viewpoints of the authors and given what their aim was during the writing. While there is nothing in direct conflict among the four gospels, there are additions and subtractions. Different aspects are emphasized for different purposes. Using all four stories of the life of Jesus allows us to develop a richer and more complete picture of the Son of Man.

In his work on Luke, Swindoll takes us through the full gospel, verse by verse, to guide us, to provide deeper understanding, and to aid us in understanding the full impact of the life, journey, and pre-ordained purpose of Jesus. A very worthwhile read that has much to give you even if you have read other books with a similar purpose. The next volume in the series is slated for release early next year, Insights on Galatians and Ephesians. I look forward to reading it and sharing my experience with you.