Let me get into what set me off. I was listening to the radio the other day on my way into work and came across a man who was putting his financial future on the line for what may be the stupidest idea ever dreamed up by man, or maybe more appropriately, the stupidest idea ever dreamed up by a man. Straight from his web site I quote:
Their web site goes on to claim that "unlike other business cards, meat cards will retain value after the econpocalypse. Hoard and barter your calorie-rich, life-sustaining cards" and "their deliciousness cannot be contained by a Rolodex". When it was pointed out on the air that the whole point of business cards is to have some sort of lasting contact information for future reference, the plucky inventor shrugged this off. He stated (in a rather laid back manner) that nobody keeps standard business cards anyway, at least with a meat card, they will have something to remember you by, err, unless they eat your information as a snack. My friends, is this the sort of idea for which people should be able to profit? If this is a meat-tastic success, what's next? Tax forms printed on bread? Furniture made from pizza? Sponsorship labels on racing cars? Please, for the sake of all of our collective sanity, do not get the itch for this sort of product by specifically avoiding the meat cards website.