These three powerful factions are in constant conflict with each other to protect their way of life and their religions. A rift in the albino group develops when a sizable faction, led by Thomas' son Samuel, wants to return to their armed ways. Too much death, too much running, too little peace. They have forgotten the promises and the peace of Elyon. This ushers in the end times foretold in prophesy. Throughout this painful period of division and plotting, Teeleh's minions carry out his insideous plan to rout the forces of light with his dark magic. Two pawns from present day earth travel to the future to pit all of the armies against each other to bring about the age of darkness. Just when it seems that Elyon has left his chosen people behind, he reveals himself and fulfills his promises to save his tribe. The parallels to Scripture are strong and wonderfully woven into this entire thrilling series. A non-stop ride of excitement from start to finish.
Now my time in these worlds in not over. Dekker has written six additional books to complement this series that explore different characters and developments to flesh things out a bit more. These six so-called Lost Books will be explored in turn. Stay tuned.