Today I would like to share with you another "I had a dream" speech that will only be remembered by me. I woke up early last Sunday. While my little one slept all cozy and snuggly in her bed, I busied myself with some reading, checking email and various blogs, and staring out the window at the glorious day that was already unfolding. The sun was coming up over the house and illuminating the flowering trees and gardens in my back yard. A light, gentle breeze was stirring the wind chimes hanging in the gazebo and a few hummingbirds began to appear at the feeder to drink the sweet nectar.
Lost in thought, my mind was rustled back to my seat from the sounds of my little one trudging from her room out to find me. As she was rubbing the sleep from her eyes, her gaze met mine and she uttered "Daddy, I had a dream. I crossed a banana and a monkey and got a ban-onkey." What a delightful way to start a morning together, laughter and hugs. Laughter and hugs.