Do you ever start in on a project with eagerness and passion only to stumble across it months later stashed in the corner, covered with dust? What about the resolutions you make on each New Year's Day? How long do they remain an influence on your actions and attitudes? What about your approach to worship? How many of you continually find your zeal is long gone and you are just going through the motions? You grumble to and from service each Sunday and sit on your hands and your heart while you are listening to the music and the message. Perhaps you think you are doing fine in your relationship with God the father and Jesus Christ the son because you rattle off a quick prayer before bed each night during the commericials. Maybe you even think that you are doing O.K. because you attend your church community group each week. However, your "attendance" comes with zero preparation and zero attention and zero serious participation.
1. performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial.
2. lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; indifferent or apathetic.How can we go forward without examining this? If you are a Christian you should be seriously concerned if this adjective matches your approach to honoring God. To worship is to give praise, and you can't give praise between yawns, checking your watch every 10 minutes, or zoning out just to get through and make an appearance. We all have too much at stake to give worthless scraps of our time and energy to the most high God.
Oh, and in case you think that I am orating from on high, wagging my finger and clucking my tongue at you like some zealot know-it-all, I assure you, this blog was written entirely for my own sake.