When a relationship evolves to a more mature level, there is greater emphasis put on developing and continuing and fostering communication. Developing and maintaining these pathways to talk is crucial for a relationship to grow, for a relationship to thrive, for a relationship to survive ...
I remember the day we bought our first cell phones. There was a certain excitement about possessing the new gadgets. We made the decision to get them under the aegis that this technology would allow us to strengthen our lines of communication. To be able to talk and share and touch base with each other during those times when we were forced to be apart. It was a way to help quell the loneliness and longing when we could not be together. Instead, a purpose quite different was realized. Our phones morphed into instruments that served only to enable us to keep our distance from each other and avoid face-to-face discussions, face-to-face conversations, and face-to-face communication ...
Now, years later, I still have my phone in a small leather holster on my belt, waiting for the day you call just to talk ...