But push through the carefully cultivated hibiscus and plumerias, dig down through the thin layer of imported top soil, and you will quickly reach the original underlying lava bed. Does this mean that this beauty is really only skin deep? Is the transformation merely cosmetic? Is there some substance behind and beneath the man-made waterfalls, gardens, and rock formations? What is natural here in this man-made Arcadia, this Eden, this Shangri-La? Does it really matter as I walk past the simple wedding in the chapel? The couple looks so deeply into each other's eyes that nothing could convince them. The small group of elderly women sitting around the ornate Buddha carving harmonizing together and reliving old times. The children splashing in the fountain have grins and giggles that are clearly the genuine article. Finally, there is my young daughter sitting in the hammock sipping her fruit juice. The twinkle in her eyes tells me all that I need to know.