This past year, 2008, has been, for me, marked by a new interest, a new love. One that I certainly did not have in the past by any measure. My new love is reading. I have never been a big fan of reading in the past, too boring, too time consuming, too professorial. Why the looks of incredulousness? I was more a fan of napping, snacking, and watching T.V.. However this year, something within me changed. I have read over 30 grown-up type books, am in the middle of 4 right now, and have about 10 books in the to-read queue. What has changed you ask? I think that it's the type of book that I am reading and my thirst for knowledge about and answers to long-held questions. Many of the books that I have read this year were suggested by friends, and a few others were books that I sought out on a particular topic. I can honestly say that I have not wasted a moment of my time on any turkeys. Nope, not a one. Readers of my blog know that I keep a list of my book reads on
Shelfari. A fun side benefit of my reading is to watch my bookshelf fill up. It brings me a small sense of accomplishment somehow. Anyway, I wanted to share my top ten list of best books that I have read this year (and give shout outs to those that turned me on to them). What books have touched you personally this year?
- The Shack, William Young (recommended by Bill and Heidi Sprouse)
- Darkness Visible - A Memoir of Madness, William Styron (recommended by Keith Solberg)
- In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, Mark Batterson (Community Group book)
- The Agape Road, Bob Mumford (recommended by Stew Diesel-Reynolds)
- Crazy Love, Francis Chan (recommended by Rob Shepherd)
- Growing Deep in the Christian Life, Charles Swindoll
- The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis
- This Present Darkness, Frank Peretti (recommended by Robby Turner)
- Wild Goose Chase, Mark Batterson
- Out of the Silent Planet, C.S. Lewis (recommended by Robby Turner)