As the end of the year is hastily approaching, I wanted to share a method that I learned in my small group back in Ohio for taking stock of my life. Regular self inspection of all areas of our life is a sensible and necessary process to carefully consider in our journey toward the Father. This process can be at any number of levels, but it is perhaps most valuable if one takes this work seriously, with contemplation and openness. I perform this evaluation on an annual basis.
There are 10 areas that I consider (your list could have more or less). These include family, career, friendship, primary relationship, hobbies, mental, financial, physical health, adventure, and education. I have prepared a "mission statement" for each area indicating how I believe it should be approached in my life to most honor God. Looking back over the year, I give myself a rating on a scale of 1 to 10 (for how high in the air my balloon is flying) and list a few noteworthy plusses and minuses for each category. I continue by listing a few ways in which God fits into each area of my life and how God is honored by my "work" in each area.
The point of taking stock is not to see how you rate against your friends or neighbors. It is an opportunity for self improvement, to make course corrections and adjustments in all of the areas of your life. It is time to look at yourself in a brutally honest manner, to see without blinders or bias, without retribution or blame. I have prepared a template for such work that you may find useful to consider as you prepare to see how high your life balloons are flying.