The other day I read the following quote from Frans de Waal, a primatologist from Emory University, who said, "We seem to be reaching the point at which science can wrest morality from the hands of philosphers." As this quote was cited in a book without any context of de Waal's original discussion, I framed my own thoughts about his statement. I thought about how many so-called deviant behaviors of people that are labeled as sin or human failings and weakness, behaviors such as homosexuality, addictions to drugs and alcohol, rape, murder, and a spectrum of behavioral disorders, seem one by one to be directly connected with some specific aspect of our genetic coding. Chastising a homosexual for being gay or an alcoholic for drinking is like becoming disgusted with a computer program for doing what it was designed to do. It then becomes harder and harder to separate clean cut issues and penalties associated with morality and human weakness from behaviors that are linked to the very fibers of our being.