With the image of an undertow filling my mind, where powerful dynamics work against you or tend to pull you under, I started to think of things that can easily carry me away from where I want to be. Just pondering for a few minutes, several came to my mind.
- Reading or listening to anti-christian rhetoric - this serves to addle my faith, pulling me down.
- Falling away from my daily devotions - leads to spiritual weakening.
- Not taking advantage of quality time with my daughter - the dirty dishes will still be there tomorrow.
- Letting laziness take charge in my life - complacency leads to stagnation which leads to decay.
- Not investing in others - humans were made to live in community.
- Relying on myself and my own strength - the quickest way to sink to the bottom and drown.
- Falling prey to my own anxieties or what-ifs - if I could only reclaim all of the time I have lost to worry ...
- Allowing others to infect me negative attitudes - I am an attractor of negativity, and once I pick it up, I become a broadcaster.
- Losing control of my temper - too many have been hurt by my quick fuse.
- Not watching my words carefully - too many relationships scuttled by not controlling my tongue..