When you are part of something small that blossoms into something bigger, an underground drum beat that crescendos into a mainstream symphony, it can be very exciting, especially when you are involved in an intimate way. Whether it is through your financial support, your service, your energy, your prayers, or even just as a cheering spectator, watching the metamorphosis take place in front of your eyes can be fulfilling, uplifting, and even a little awe inspiring. Growth of this sort has taken on a very personal meaning. Such is the case with my church,
Waters Edge Church, which is opening up its second location in just a few more days. When I started attending "WEC" about 3 years ago, it was a church of about 500 or 600 folks. Today they are averaging about 2000 each week at their Sunday services!
The existing WEC sanctuary was just opened in the summer of 2009. This building was important in the life of my church in that it represented a major shift away from being a portable church using rented facilities. After quickly growing into that new building and using it to share the gospel with many folks in the area, it reached capacity faster than anyone could have been expected or hoped. The decision was made to follow a
multi-site model to increase reach and capacity. Now the second location of WEC is on the verge of becoming a reality.
The building at the second site already has a long history. It was constructed in 1965 in a neighborhood shopping center and was one of the first multiplex movie theaters in the country. After several remodeling efforts and ownership changes, it finally went out of business for good in the early 1990s and had been falling into disrepair and decay as it sat idle for nearly 20 years. That's when WEC came in and signed a lease to remodel the facility and meet there as a church. Some would say that the building was opened in 1965 and was biding its time for some 40 years until WEC came along to take over. This second location is not only a metamorphosis from the standpoint of WEC and its approach to bring the gospel to people, it also serves as a wonderful metamorphosis for the life it will bring to the surrounding neighborhoods.
Congratulations WEC. I am proud to call you my church home and look forward to continue on our mission together to bring the good news to everyone we can.