Once again, I want to thank the few folks that stop by regularly to say hello and to leave comments. While I still maintain that my writing is primarily for me, I am still greatly empowered and humbled by your gifts of time and energy and attention to anything that I might create. I pray that every once in a while I have something to pass along that you might find useful or valuable or amusing. I might even dream that maybe a post will stick with you for a bit even after you have left my site.
Now my regular visitors will note that I have been posting 6 days per week for over 2 years. The one day that I take off is Sunday, a biblically mandated day of rest for all bloggers. However, in tracking readership on this page, it is pretty clear that there is measurably no traffic on Saturdays. With that, I have decided to drop back to a 5 days per week posting schedule. My guess is that the world will survive this change without skipping a beat. It will likely be good for me as well. So, hopefully you will continue along with me and, again, thanks for everything.