I have come to understand the notion of "going postal". I get the mindset of people stuck with never-ending tasks. I can relate. You see, I have a yard. I have many trees in and around my yard. It is now fall. Fall is called "fall" because that is when the leaves drop from their holding positions in the tree limbs and drift down onto our properties. One job of a homeowner is to rake that unsightly foliage up and put it into bags on the curb. However, no sooner have we raked the yard, bundled up 5 or 10 huge garbage bags with leaves, then our yard is covered once again. It never ends. It is maddening I tell you. I brings me to the freakin' edge man!!
My problem is that I believe in the sanctity of human life. Even if I snapped, I don't think that I have it within me to kill another human to relieve my cranial dementia. But, I have noticed that tree squirrel eyeing me and chitter-chattering at me. I bet he is somehow responsible for all of this. Rocky over there will be my first victim when I lose it.