However, in all of my many years orbiting about the sun, I have never (at least in my memory) actually celebrated the fourth of July. I mean I can never recall going to a picnic-type shindig on this day. I'm sure that I have been invited to go, but I guess something has always come up. This kind of made me think, especially given the buzz that I have sensed overhearing several hallway conversations this week. If you took a random sampling of what folk's favorite day of the year was, I would have guessed their birthday or Christmas or, perhaps, Arbor day, but people actually were giddy about July 4. I guess the big to-dos that they were planning were something special to them and their families and friends.
Anyway, whether you are feasting on delicious goodies with folks you care about, alone with your thoughts and a bag of chips, or even anywhere in between these limits, remember that July 4 is really all about celebrating the United States of America. God bless the U.S.A.. Have a great weekend everyone.