Folks, get your holys out (as in holy moley, holy cow, holy mackerel, and holy smoke). Today I am posting my 400th blog! Could you possibly have guessed a year and a half ago that I would be able to go on this long? Well, only if you know me. Nobody has even yet told me to shut up or pipe down or even uttered a single silencio my way. So, I will take this as a mandate from the world's population that you want me to pursue 500. We shall see how to proceed if/when I reach that lofty plateau. I mean, how much longer could anyone possibly go on? (Plus, I have long since run out of room on my mantel for the myriad awards and trophies that I have earned from this blog.) See you for another 100 my friends.
Oh, and thanks to my loyal readers for being loyal readers. It means a lot to me.