Today I celebrate the start of another new year, with all its potential promise and hope. However, more importantly, today I celebrate the birthday of my little girl. Today she turns 11 years old. In latin, the expression is tempus fugit, we simply say "time flies". I have these palpable memories of holding her in my arms, loving her and protecting her. I was her whole world. Today she is starting to spread her wings, reminding me that our time together is finite. That's O.K. you know. This is what being a parent is all about. We do our best to teach them, to give them a good example, to love them, and to take care of them, all so that they will be ready to go out on their own some day and be able to cope and survive and set a good example for their children. But that time is still a ways off, so today I will celebrate with her, presents, cake, laughter, games, and fun. I don't need to say it, she already knows, but I love you Maddie. I can't imagine my life without you. You're my best little buddy. Happy birthday angel face.