I listened for our early morning home life buzz,
Listened for the sound of your voice,
Your voice gently whispering and humming,
Humming words of love to me.
I woke up this morning,
But heard nothing,
Nothing familiar, nothing I know,
Nothing I know now but true pain,
True pain flowing through my body and soul.
For I will not hear you and I will not see you,
You who gave me warmth,
Who shared food and laughter,
You who showed me the meaning of life,
Life forever has changed,
Changed into loneliness,
Loneliness and fear.
Fear without you,
You who were everything to me, I miss you,
I miss you every moment of the day,
Day in and day out,
Out of tears I sit awake and carefully listen,
Listen for you ... in case, just in case,
How I miss you.
Nadia Tarzi, August 2003