A week or so ago I posted an entry entitled True Love about the wonderful blessing that my daughter is to me. I wanted to share another brief episode. My daughter had just completed making a drawing for me, one that had taken her some extra time and effort. Her face beamed when she presented it to me. I thanked her and hugged her. For a moment I considered hanging it in my office, as I have done with countless others of her masterpieces over the years. However, this time I suggested that we frame it and hang it up at home. This idea thrilled her to no end. The office gallery is nice, but in her mind, hanging it up on the wall at home somehow elevated her picture to true art. My hope is that you will celebrate the work and effort of your little ones with genuine attention. Whether it is a scribble on a piece of scrap paper or a Michelangelo-ian effort, celebrate their gifts of love.